Tuesday, October 12, 2010


For some reason I am sure I have used this title in a blog before, but oh well. Inspired by this xD

Anyways. I am still awaiting my application results at UJ. This poster just made me think though, that there will be no room for stuffing around this time around, I am fortunate to even dream of a second chance at studying, so I better not throw it away, else Gandalf will pimp slap me all the way to Mordor from the Shire :O

Funny thing happened yesterday, I had a quick chat with Robs. I had to meet her and her bro at a car dealer (won't go into the story, too long and I'm too lazy at the moment). Anyways, at dinner on Saturday Robs sat next to me and at one point she uttered that people were treating her weird or being funny to her. I knew exactly who she would be talking about, but I just wanted to make sure. So yesterday when we were alone I just asked it Casually, "So Robs... who was being funny to you at dinner the other day?" She looked a bit surprised and said it was a bit random for me to remember that she said that. Maybe it was, but either way, curiosity burnt deep into me, I wanted a confirmation. She told me it was Amber, but she also told me defensively that maybe she (Robs) was just being oversensitive to the way Amber was or wasn't behaving (if that all made sense :S). For some reason, that loosened a little knot in my stomach. Surely if Amber was REALLY being strange to Robs, it was to do with the fact that Robs was sitting next to me, and Amber was not? Obviously I could be a little bigheaded and think that all of these actions revolve around me, but maybe Amber was just being normal and Robs was overreacting. I like to think though, that maybe Amber was a little jealous that Robs got my attention and she didn't. It's only fair though, because Amber's ex got all her Ambers attention and I had to deal with it too. Maybe I'm being an ass, and it wasn't intentional anyways. Either way I found that knowing this little piece of info Robs shared with me really made me feel loads better.

I am feeling a hell of a lot more productive this week. Its only Tuesday I know, but believe it or not I am finally ticking of things that I have needed to be doing off my giant checklist (kept conveniently on my teeny phone for quick reference) the job is also going ok so far, I am still taking baby steps, but its baby steps in the right direction and I must admit, my boss from Microsoft is so easy to work and get on with.

Thats all for now I think ^_^ thanks for reading if you did :P if you merely glanced over and ended up at this paragraph... well... just shush and go read!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Memories May Fade, but Moments Last Forever


Ok it's not raining right this very second, but I'm pleased to report that Johannesburg has finally received a few TEENY shares of rains. Little as it was, we have received about 3 spouts of it, and it won't be long before we can enjoy night long rain sessions. The air will no longer be dry, and my skin will no longer look like sandpaper. The rain however, did stuff up the cleanliness of my car, which I washed on Friday -_- curse you rain! Please come back soon though!

Weekends are a strange time for me I won't lie. I find myself longing for them whenever I am at work, yet when my weekend finally rocks up, I'm like ok now what? I feel like my weekends are a waste and I don't get much done in them, which I can't honestly say I feel guilty about, but it does kind of leave a gloop of nothingness in my stomach. I should be using this time to get some writing done.

Speaking of which the first ever book I started, which none of you have ever read I don't think, yeah that one. Over the last 2 weekends I have been having immense brainwaves on storylines, characters, twists, etc etc etc. Its weird, I haven't thought about that book in years, I have tried and have had nothing come of it and now out of nowhere I can't stop thinking about it! I have enough fresh ideas that I'm sure I could span over at least three books. So I consider this book to be my first ever series even though I haven't yet finished the first :P I will get there though!

Amber I hear you ask? Ok I know you would never ask about her, but I'll just pretend you did. As I have mentioned back in the day, there is a nice quiet gap spanning 2-3 months (following the mysterious cycle that happens every year) where Amber seems to drop off the face of the planet and when I see her there is like nothing there from her side, and no enthusiasm from mine due to it. I am hoping this year doesn't fail me and she realizes that I do still exist. It was around the end of October last year when we kind of got back together, so I'm hoping history shall not fail me. Amber has been scarce this year due to college, but she used to make time to see me. Now she barely sms's, talks to me, or anything. We all went out for dinner yesterday, and I just kind of assume that Amber would be keen to sit next to me, or you know, want to chat to me. I spent a frustrated evening watching her not really pay any attention to me, but sit opposite her ex boyfriend before me, last of which I saw them together, was on her amazingly fantastic 20th birthday bash this year in June. Where she got drunk, threw him looks that wrenched at my heart, and generally told me to piss off.

Maybe I am just imagining that I know Amber THAT well... but deep down in my heart somewhere I can't hide the fact that I think she still has some sort of feelings or crush on him. Then again, maybe it's just me being the chop and expecting too much from her. THEN again, how is it normal to treat a guy like your best friend, your boyfriend, to pretending that he isn't there anymore, only talking to him when you need something? Bah I don't know, I just needed to rant I guess.

After last night, Amber chatted to me a little bit on Googletalk. But it was the simple hi how are you have fun k awesome kind of conversation. Yeah I did have fun, but my evening lacked any form of conversation with her, I don't know why she waited for me to be on a chat program before she decided to say anything. Even more irritating then that, she just doesn't say goodnight anymore -_- chat chat chat Amber is now away... at which point I know she has left her pc on to download something, and has gone to bed. in my retarded moment of weakness, I left her a message saying goodnight and that I missed her. She hasn't said anything to me at all. Ah well, can't win em all. Hope history will repeat itself to a certain extent. Or better yet, I'll just turn into a heartless prick and forget any kind of memories I have had with her. Those have kind of faded I guess, but I can remember certain moments clear as day, and I don't think I will ever forget them.

I'm still waiting for UJ to process my varsity application -_- dang its been 2 weeks already!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Me, The Retail Consultant :O


Just a quick update on life. I started my new position today. It went relatively well, but I will need to chat to my MS Manager about changing a few things so that perhaps I can be a bit more effective. It's a simple enough job, entailing me just being present in the store and mingling with the staff, giving informal and eventually formal training now and then. Still getting into the swing of things though.

I truly love playing soccer. Once a week without fail we play indoor soccer at a club nearby. I always moan at the guys on tv for their theatrics because they dive as if they are Olympic swimmers! We had a catch up game yesterday so we ended up playing yesterday and today (Tuesday is our regular day). I am definitely not one to fall, and it takes a lot for me to go diving like a cricket player. yesterday however, I got chopped and landed with my full body weight, onto my wrist, which is now nice and swollen and throbs worse then a bass drum in a heavy rock band. Today, a played decided to run into me using his knee, connecting into the side of my leg. Dead league of note, thats gonna be so sore tomorrow. Injury free for a good few months, then out of nowhere 2 injuries on 2 days. There is no room for broken toes, twisted ankles or bust up shins... I get a dead leg and a swollen wrist!

I emailed that guy who's business card I stole from Rage this weekend. Ok not stole, but got from him. I had not previously glanced at it before I pulled it out of my wallet yesterday. I recognized the name as one of the writers of my favourite magazines! I mailed him instantly in what I hope was a good and decent email. I am still awaiting his reply.

That is all for now it seems ^_^ cheerio!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Waiting With Baited Breath!

It seems I spend most of my blogs, well, the first few paragraphs anyways, saying how sorry I am for not writing for so long, how I'm going to catch up, and so on and so forth. This post could not be any different, and I have already filled that requirement. I started out this year to reach the 100 blog goal by the end of the year, and I was pretty much on target until I got lazy! I could still catch it (if I blogged like every day :P but that is HIGHLY unlikely!)

So lots of news I guess, where to begin, oh where to start?

I APPLIED FOR JOURNALISM! Finally... I can't remember what my last post was (and yes I am too lazy to check it out) but I am certain it was about me bitching about work screwing me over AGAIN. That motivated me. Oh wait I remember writing about filling my forms out. I did, on that night, and the next day I went and dropped them off at The University of Johannesburg. Before I handed them in, I just had a knot in my stomach, was this the right thing to do with my life? Would I screw up and dropout yet again? I gave those forms in, and my anxiousness instantly turned into me being excited! Holy crap I'm excited! I can't wait... this work year is nearly over, and hopefully next year will be the start of me starting the rest of my life. PRAY FOR ME TO GET ACCEPTED!!!! :D

Leading on from that, I went to the Rage expo this weekend. At one of the stands my friend Gruff started chatting to a guy and it turns out this guy is involved in an online technology and gaming magazine. He asked if this guy needs writers, and he said yes, but he is in no position to pay them. Hell... I was like I don't care, I just need the writing experience so I wouldn't mind doing it for free for as long as needed! I got his business card, and will be mailing him tomorrow. Holding thumbs for that too!

Over this weekend I also scored an Asus A-list card ^_^ so WOOOH for me! Part of a competetion on FB they were running. At least I won something! My friend Gruff won R5000 O_O!


Go like them, they are awesome :D

I could have written lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and LOTS more, but at the end of the day a Quick summary was all I felt like doing :) so CHEERIO! Hear from me soon I suppose ^_^

P.s I haven't seen Amber forever... the longer those periods of time, the more frequently she turns up in my dreams :S dang...

About Me

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South Africa
BA English and Communication graduate. I like to write stuff!